- Full custom modpack support
- Mod/plugin installation & configuration
- Regular monitoring and server check-ins
- Unlimited Modpack updates
- Server crash and technical fixes
- Unlimited support ticket requests
StickyPiston believes in server aftercare and we manage all our servers from start to finish. No limitations, no “Fix it yourself” and definitely no extra $£€ addons. Our aftercare includes;

Use our click and play system to install and manage up to three Minecraft server instances. It only takes 20 ticks to swap between worlds, modpacks and MC versions.

** Are you still reading this! *** Now get a custom server :)
* No really, there are no addons here. No hidden terms
* Please look around at how other hosts charge for this!
We are the custom modpack specialists. No additional fees *, a simple upload and transfer system and ongoing aftercare. Everything a modpack creator needs!
With unlimited updates, mod-list changes, configuration fixes, crash assistance and monitoring for your server, you won’t find another host that can match our custom modpack expertise.