Spigot BungeeCord Server Hosting

Spigot BungeeCord Server Hosting

  • 1GB Min RAM
  • Minecraft Modpack Launcher
  • Latest Latest Version
  • 1.21.x MC Version

20% off Minecraft Hosting for the first month.  Use Promo Code MODTASTIC

  • 14-Day Moneyback Guarantee
  • 24hr Free Trial Server
  • Premium Support Included
  • Instant Server Setup
Minecraft 1.20 Tail and Trials Server Hosting

The 1.20 update is all about self expression, specifically self expression through representation, story telling, and world building. And, it's the journey - your trails - that ties it all together. The Minecraft worlds belong to the players - and so do the stories, or tales, about those worlds.

Now Includes: Spring To Life Drop
Minecraft 1.20 Tail and Trials Server Hosting

The 1.20 update is all about self expression, specifically self expression through representation, story telling, and world building. And, it's the journey - your trails - that ties it all together. The Minecraft worlds belong to the players - and so do the stories, or tales, about those worlds.

Now Includes: Spring To Life Drop
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BungeeCord server hosting is essential for getting multiple Minecraft servers together and is a staple for the Minigame Mash Network to be held together. You’ll be able to unlock your community’s fullest potential with a string of networks fused together.

BungeeCord has been essential for Minecraft even back in the days of ShotBow. With the freedom to transfer between multiple proxies and maintain stable connections, there hasn’t been much need to use anything else.

By providing yourself the use of Bungee, you’re able to take a process that could cost hundred of dollars per month into a service that can save you the most cash. There’s also a load of plug-ins that can provide a great experience for players and benefits greatly to others.

All these benefits can include, but not limit themselves too:

  • A wide-spread population able to take advantage of multi-core CPUs
  • Separate server activities (creative, survival, minigames, modded, etc.)
  • Allows mutli-server communication (Social)
  • Gives users to use new custom commands
  • Offers a huge arrange of support for plug-in developers
  • Creates a new hub system for those wanting a simple multi-server experience

For more features head over to the official BungeeCord page.

To see what available plugins there are for Bungee, check out the official BungeeCord Plugin list.

StickyPiston also offers a variety of articles that can help you when it comes to your new plug-in server hosting. You can check the articles out over at the Spigot/Bukkit Articles.

Start your BungeeCord Server Hosting today.

  • Choose from 804+ modpacks from your modded library, the adventure never ends!
  • Can’t find a modpack? Just ask, we’ll add it to the one-click installer.
  • Made your own modpack? We’ll build you a custom server in minutes.
  • Install & swap servers instantly with our "Click & Play Installer".
  • Unlimited and free modpack updates including testing and fixes.
  • Server crashed? Send us a ticket and we can fix it 99.9% of the time.
  • A dedicated support team that can explain optimisations, carry out requests and help you understand your server better.

Memory Requirements & Player Slots

  • Memory Guideline
    To avoid lag or memory errors, order a minimum of 1GB of memory. If you are playing with friends or planning on hosting a public server consider ordering 2GB or more. You won't know your exact requirements until you start building and getting more players on. Don't worry you can quickly upgrade your memory as your server grows. Follow this guide if you need to upgrade.

  • Recommended Max Players is our best guess on how many slots gives good performance per GigaByte of memory. It relates to how many players can join before running into lag or out-of-memory errors. Newer servers with lots of mods/plugins will have less players per GB, you won't know exactly how many players until your server gets busy. You have Unlimited Slots, set this in the control panel, use your slots wisely. It's a guideline not set in bedrock!
Hosting Packages1-2GB3-4GB5-16GB
Suitable for hostingFriends & Family
Minecraft JAVA Edition, Bukkit, Spigot
Small Modpacks (1.4.7 - 1.19.4)
Growing Community
Minecraft PC/MAC, Bukkit, Spigot
Medium Modpacks (1.7.10 - 1.19.4)
Larger Communities
Minecraft JAVA Edition, Bukkit, Spigot
Larger Modpacks or more Players
Premium Support Included

Instant Setup Unlimited Modpack Updates Unlimited Slots Monitored/Managed Service

One-Click InstallerInstall/Switch between up to 4 Minecraft instances on one server. More about Click and Play installer.
Server Locations Choose from 6 server locations USA Canada UK France Singapore Australia
Custom Modpack ServerModpack Server built with your mods & configs at no extra cost. Start your own Custom Modpacks today.
Supported LaunchersMinecraft JAVA Edition (Windows/Mac/Linux) - CurseForge/Twitch - Feed The Beast FTB - ATLauncher - Technic
Minecraft Maps Play 2747+ Minecraft Maps Host Minigame nights with friends. One-Click Install, join in under 30 seconds

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Why Choose StickyPiston Hosting?

  • Premium Support Included (not an extra cost)
  • DDoS Protection & Offsite Backups
  • One-Click Multiservers, Swap 100's Modpacks & Maps
  • Dedicated Support Staff who know what they're doing