Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Minecraft Modding can be such a hassle huh? There’s over like, a bajillion mods out there and a lot of modpacks tend to be more towards veterans. But what if you are just starting out? What if you’re just wanting a simple time or wanting to learn why people like this section of Minecraft so much?

Well when you’re with StickyPiston, we can help curate the right experience that’s for you. Whether or not you’re a beginner or just coming back into the scene again, we’re picking out what’s right for you. We even have our resident TheHappywheels1 making his own modded series called “Modpack Newbie” on the StickyPiston Twitch channel.
Table of contents
- 10. FTB Presents Direwolf20 1.21
- 9. CurseForge: Cuboid Outpost
- 8. ATLauncher: The MadPack 3
- 7. CurseForge: Project Overpowered
- 6. Technic: Hexxit II
- 5. FTB Academy
- 4. FTB University 1.19
- 3. Modrinth: Expanded Adventures
- 2. CurseForge: Better MC [FABRIC] – BMC3
- 1. CurseForge: Cobblemon Official Modpack [FORGE]
10. FTB Presents Direwolf20 1.21
MC 1.21.1 Profile | Requires at least 6 GB of RAM

Direwolf20 has been one of the largest faces of modded Minecraft for years. If there’s anyone I would put trust into for modded know-how, it’s him. His sandbox style of modded allows you to enjoy vanilla without needing to force yourself quickly into understanding the mechanics of mods just yet.
9. CurseForge: Cuboid Outpost
MC 1.16.5 Profile | Requires at least 8 GB of RAM

Technology is one of the most prevalent things inside of Modded Minecraft. So what’s one of the only ways to tackle understanding it? Well Cuboid Outpost here makes it so that its a sole focus on what you need to do. From generating power to making large multiblock structures, you’ll become a tech pro in no time.
8. ATLauncher: The MadPack 3
MC 1.7.10 Profile | Requires at least 3 GB of RAM

Now here’s something you might be wondering. “Why would you include this hardcore modpack into a list of learning?” Well the main reason is because this is probably the easiest of the hardcore mods out there. It teaches players what to avoid and how to get into the more difficult modpacks without diving anyone FAR into the deep end.
7. CurseForge: Project Overpowered
MC 1.12.2 Profile | Requires at least 3 GB of RAM

Looking for a bit more of a relaxing time for your modded journey? This Skyblock adventure here makes it so you don’t need to do as much grinding as other modpacks. Explore the skies above and produce EMC like there’s no tomorrow, learning just how strong some mods truly are.
Grab a Project Overpowered Server
6. Technic: Hexxit II
MC 1.12.2 Profile | Requires at least 4 GB of RAM

Hexxit II is simple in nature with some complex mechanics; improve exploration and make it more rewarding. It’s inspired by some classic Dungeons & Dragons campaigns while making sure Vanilla isn’t too different. There’s new creatures, gear, and lots of unique sounds that just need to be explored.
5. FTB Academy
MC 1.12.2 Profile | Requires at least 3 GB of RAM

Academy was created at the height of Minecraft Modding. Inside of this version you’ll be learning how to handle a new questing system that’s used for almost all quest-based modpacks these days. Not only that it’ll slowly guide players into learning how each individual mod works.
4. FTB University 1.19
MC 1.19.2 Profile | Requires at least 8 GB of RAM

Welcome to a modern version of Modpack learning from the Feed The Beast team. Get back into the fundamentals of modded or learn some of the more complicated stuff that’s going on. Start off easy and get deep into the world that modded has to offer.
Grab a FTB University 1.19 Server
3. Modrinth: Expanded Adventures
MC 1.20.1 Profile | Requires at least 8 GB of RAM

Explore to your heart’s content. Large and changed biomes and structures are inside of this modpack to help players find what they want. Not only that, but the journey ones would have are easy enough to relax with.
Grab an Expanded Adventures Server
2. CurseForge: Better MC [FABRIC] – BMC3
MC 1.21.1 Profile | Requires at least 6 GB of RAM

This is the exact modpack that our Modpack Newbie, TheHappywheels1, has been playing through. This modpack is meant to be an easier time for new players, adding tons of fun new biomes alongside simple ways to explore the world of Minecraft. There’s a lot of cool new additions that you should check out by ordering a server!
Grab a Better MC [FABRIC] – BMC3 Server
1. CurseForge: Cobblemon Official Modpack [FORGE]
MC 1.20.1 Profile | Requires at least 2 GB of RAM

Pokemon is probably one of the most fun additions you could put into Minecraft. So Cobblemon does just that while making them pretty fitting to the game itself. And unlike its counterpart of Pixelmon, there’s not much that obstructs to your Vanilla Gameplay, rather it enhances it!
Grab a Cobblemon Official Modpack Server