The Minecraft servers are quiet tonight, this is because AWS Amazon Web Services is down.
And and Scrolls are affected, player authentication databaes are on AWS.
This could be a long outage as there is no ETA for being back up.

Minecraft 1.4 Pre-release, In this downtime it's a great time to download the
pre-release of 1.4 from And play a little offline Minecraft.
We had a bash at the weekend, there's loads of new blocks, texture and
Wither Skelentons, if you dare spawn one!

Minecraft Updates
For more updates and to find out when Minecraft back up again read Tobias's Twitter.

AWS is currently down. Minecraft and Scrolls affected. Go on Reddit while you wait. 
I have no idea when services will be restored. Even if it goes up know it
most likely will be aftershocks for up to 24 hours. It’s life. : )
There seems to be database sadness. Pretty much everything is down.

You'll be able to get back on your server when is back up.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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