This is the first recommended release since 1.4.5, and what a release it has been. So many bugs have been sqaushed and a new Safeguard Versioning System has been added to protect your server from rogue plugins.

How to change your server

  1. Find the drop down with the server list, choose CraftBukkit 1.4.7-R1.0
  2. Click Save, then restart your server.

Updated Plugins

  • CraftBook.jar
  • NoCheatPlus.jar
  • PlayersHeads.jar
  • SignShop.jar
  • OpenInv.jar
  • LogBlock.jar
  • SwearingBlocker.jar
  • BuyCraft.jar
  • EssentialsGroupManager.jar
  • ProtocolLib.jar

Removed plugins

Some plugins no longer work or I have found an alternative, you should uninstall these if you are still using them
  • bLift.jar, use CraftBook.jar instead.

How to Update Your Plugins

  1. Login into Multicraft Control Panel
  2. Files > Local Plugins

  3. Type the letter u in the status text box then press enter on your keyboard

    Filter Plugins
  4. This will show the plugins with updates
  5. Click the update link next to the plugin

    Update CraftBukkit Plugins
  6. Then do step 3 again until all the plugins are updated
  7. Now click on your console and either type "reload" or "restart"
  8. Now watch your console reload everything, look out for [SEVERE] errors as this means a plugin is not working.

    Severe error in the console

  9. If a plugin is not working go and upload the latest versions from or use our BukGet Installer
  10. Keep updating all the plugins until you have no more errors

Server Updates

We have removed the Local Plugins for the CraftBukkit Dev build, This is because we were keeping 3 versions of CraftBukkit plugins up to date, this was becoming time consuming. We are only adding Recommended and Beta to our Local plugins list, good news is we will be adding more plugins to the list.

Safeguard Versioning Policy

huh, what's that?

To protect servers against incompatible plugins that have been developed using the unpredictable and volatile Minecraft code (which we’ll be referring to as “non-Bukkit API plugins” from this point onward).

From now on any plugins which are none Bukkit API Plugins will be disabled to protect your server from malicious code. When you update your plugin check the console for any plugins which have been disabled, check if the author has updated it, if not find an alternative. Read more about this on the Bukkit Site


Четверг, Январь 31, 2013

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