Brilliant news the new version of Minecraft was released today
called the Dinnerbone Update, which has lots of new features such as:

  • Added fireworks
  • Added enchantable books
  • A lot of enchantments have been tweaked
  • A Christmas surprise
  • Many issues have been fixed!

When will CraftBukkit be updated to 1.4.6

Until the Craftbukkit Team make a 1.4.6 compatible release available
there will be a period of time where you will not be able to play 1.4.6
on Craftbukkit.  If you absolutely must have Craftbukkit, we'd recommended
not updating your Minecraft client until a 1.4.6 release is available.  We will;
however be making available any beta or development builds of CraftBukkit
1.4.6 versions as they become available.

Your Options If you use CraftBukkit

Revert to the default minecraft_server.jar

The Default minecraft server uses 1.4.6, this will let players 
who have updated join your server, unfortunately you will lose 
all plugin support.

Wait for the craftbukkit.jar server to be updated

Until a 1.4.6 Beta server jar is released, players would have to ensure 
that they are running a 1.4.5 client in order to join. 
When Craftbukkit 1.4.6 is available, we will notify you.

Use a Custom Minecraft Launcher

A Custom minecraft launcher allows you to run multiple versions 
of minecraft, so you can get onto 1.4.6 and 1.4.5 servers from one client

Download one of the following here


Digiex Minecraft Launcher

Thursday, December 20, 2012

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