This will be the final Beta release before 1.4.7 comes out, and also of this year.
Happy New Year to everyone one, and wishing you an even craftier one next year.

Upgrade Upgrade Your Server

You will now find the Craftbukkit Beta 1.4.6-R0.3 (use with care) in the drop downlist on your server control panel.
Select this if it is not already, click save then restart your server. This time there are no plugin updates.
If you did not update your plugins on the last Beta update, please do it now.

EvilSeph Says

A new CraftBukkit Beta Build (1.4.6-R0.3) that provides Minecraft 1.4.6 compatibility and addresses issues found in the previous beta is now available in time for the holidays! Although Minecraft 1.4.7 is scheduled to release sometime after New Year's day, we've already fixed the issues it addresses in this beta. The previous beta contains a change that made a bug with enchantments being lost more noticeable and frequent. Upgrading to this new beta is highly recommended.

Read more here on


Known Issues:

Monsters, villagers, etc. using portals (added in Minecraft 1.4) has been temporarily disabled.
For more detailed information on what is contained in this update, please see the changelog here.

Plugin Updates

This is how you update your plugins.

  1. Login into Multicraft Control Panel
  2. Files > Plugins
  3. Type the letter u in the status text box then press enter on your keyboard
  4. This will show the plugins with updates
  5. Click the update link next to the plugin
  6. Then do step 3 again until all the plugins are updated
  7. Now click on your console and either type "restart" or "reload"
  8. Now watch your console reload everything, look out for SEVERE errors as this means a plugin is not working.
  9. If a plugin is not working go and upload the latest versions from
  10. Keep updating all the plugins until you have no more errors

Also check your server console for errors from plugins you uploaded yourself, as there may be errors. if there are go to Curse and download the latest version for 1.4.6-R0.1 plugin if it has been released.

If you find that a plugin has problems please open a support ticket

Tekkit & FTB Minecraft Servers

You can now order Tekkit Hosting & Feed the Beast FTB Servers from us.
The slots are a little lower than normal servers due to the amount of RAM
they uses for mods, but all in all they are lots off fun.

Order one now for the new year
use this discount code "letsplay30" and get 30% off your first TEKKIT or FTB order.

Tekkit Server Hosting



Luni, Decembrie 31, 2012

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