What a huge update we've had this month, If you'd been playing the weekly snaphots servers you'd have seen this coming. Minecraft - The Horse Update there's so much amazing stuff to discover, time to get you server updated to Craftbukkit DEV 1.6.1 build (This is a DEV build, it could possibly ruin your world)

You can now select the CracftBukkit DEV 1.6.1 build from the server list in Multicraft.
Before you do switch your server there are some thing to note.


  1. This is a DEV build which lacks all the features and will have bugs. Read what EvilSeph says http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/craftbukkit-for-minecraft-1-6-1-development-build-is-now-available.156980/
  2. Not all plugins will work with 1.6.1, when you update your plugins check they still work
  3. Once you have moved to 1.6.1 you need to rollback youe world using a backup to use 1.5.2 as the player data format has changed
  4. You need to backup your world before moving to the new server just incase! http://stickypiston.co/account/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&id=7


Server Support
We offer unlimited upgrades and re-installs on Bukkit & modded servers! 
If you do have problems with the server get in touch with support.

How to update your server.
To update you server follow this how-to and choose CraftBukkit DEV 1.6.1-R0.1 option


How to play 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 servers with the new Minecraft Profiles
If you decided to stay on 1.5.2 until a more stable version of 1.6.* is available you can still connect to 1.5.2 servers. 
To connect to older servers you can create a new profile in the Minecraft launcher.

  1. Click 'New Profile'
  2. Give the profile an name like MC 1.5.2
  3. In the Use version drop down choose 'release 1.5.2'
  4. Click Save Profile
  5. Choose the profile from the Profile drop down
  6. Put your username and password in and click Play


Minecraft 1.6.2 Pre-release Monday
1.6.2 comes out Monday, what another update! This is more of patch to fix bugs discovered in the recent release. Bukkit will also be behind a few days. You can read more here https://mojang.com/2013/07/minecraft-1-6-2-pre-release/


StarMade Servers
Not sure If you saw Yogcast StaMade Starward Bound series last month

If you have been playing the game we have 2 servers up and running.
One in the US and one In the EU

You can join in the space battle by joining the following servers.


You can get the launcher from http://star-made.org/
We are testing these servers at the moment let us know what you think.


Sabado, Julho 6, 2013

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