Feed the Beast (FTB) 1.5.2 Updates

There have been recent updates to the following Feed The Beast mod packs: Direwolf20 (1.4.7) There is also a addition of the following packs. Direwolf20 (1.5.2) FTB Unleashed Unhinged FTB Ultimate Mindcrack Yogscraft What is FTB unleashed? FTB Unleashed is currently the most popular modpack for FTB and spiritual successor to FTB ... Читать далее »

21 Сен 2013
Minecraft 1.6.4 and snapshot

We have updated the vanilla jar and snapshots to the latest versions: Vanilla: 1.6.4 Snapshot: 13w38a To change your server to these select snapshot or vanilla in the jar selector click the save button and then restart your server. Downloading Snapshots: http://stickypiston.co/account/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&id=60 Stay ... Читать далее »

19 Сен 2013
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