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How to run Minecraft Commands In-Game

If you are a Server Operator or have been granted OP permissions (See: How to OP a Player on Your Minecraft Server), you can run a variety of commands from within the game. This short guide will explain how to run a command.

Running a Command

To run a command in Minecraft follow the steps below:

  1. Open chat with either T (default chat key), or / (default command key).
  2. Make sure that there is a / at the start of the chat line. If there is not one, add it.
  3. Type the command you want to run. You can use tab completion if you're using Minecraft 1.13 or higher to help you make a valid command.
  4. Hit the enter key, the command should run on the server. If you get an error from the game, that means that what you typed is not a valid command.

Useful Commands

There are a lot of commands within Minecraft, a lot of them are not very useful to server owners and operators, so we compiled a list of commands that are quite useful for server owners and operators in managing their server. You can find this list of commands in this article: Useful Minecraft Commands for Server Owners and Operators
Note: The above guide is targeted for the most recent versions of Minecraft, the exact version can be found at the top of the article. Historical command usage for most commands is fairly similar to the modern version, some commands have changed a lot though.

Further Reading & External Links

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  • Vanilla, Commands, Multicraft
  • 255 Users Found This Useful

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