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How To: Install a Previous Minecraft Version

When wanting to play some Minecraft maps, they will require you to run Minecraft 1.13.2 for your game version, in this article we will go over how to install Minecraft 1.13.2 for your game.

Note: This same process can be applied to any of the Minecraft versions, we are using 1.13.2 as an example version.


  1. Open the Minecraft Launcher
  2. Select the Installations tab from the top bar.
    Installations tab of the Minecraft Launcher
  3. Click the New... button.
    The button to add a new launcher profile
  4. Enter a name that you will recognize we would recommend using Release <version>
  5. From the Version dropdown find and choose release 1.13.2.
  6. Click the Create button in the bottom right corner of the launcher.
    The installation creation menu in the Minecraft Launcher

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  • Vanilla, Installation
  • 27 Kunder som kunne bruge dette svar

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