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How to Rename a World with the World Manager

Renaming a Minecraft world can sometimes lead to problems, which is why we have integrated a way to rename your world without worrying about it breaking anything.

Other World Manager Features

A full list of all the features within the World Manager can be found by going to the World Manager Overview

Renaming A World

  1. Log into Multicraft
  2. In the menu on the left side of the screen select World Manager.
    World Manager entry in the left side menu of Multicraft
  3. Select List Worlds in the box that appeared at the top of the panel.
  4. Wait for the list of worlds on your server to load.
  5. On the world you would like to edit, click the World Options button.
  6. Click Rename World in the dropdown.
    Rename World in the World Options dropdown of the World Manager
  7. Type the new name for your world in the box.


    Worlds are only allowed to have the following characters in them:

    • Uppercase and Lowercase Letters (A-Z)
    • Numbers (0-9)
    • Exclamation points, dashes, underscores, and brackets (()[]{})
  8. Once you have chosen a new name that doesn't produce any errors, click the Rename button.
    Note: If you rename the active world when the server is running, clicking the button will stop your server, then once it has been renamed it will start up again.
    The popup to rename your world using the World Manager

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  • World Manager, Multicraft
  • 13 Users Found This Useful

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