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Managing your Minecraft World with the World Manager

The World Manager allows you to easily manage the Minecraft worlds that are on your server. In this guide you will learn about it's features and how to use them.


  1. What is the World Manager
  2. Finding the World Manager
  3. World Manager Features
    1. Uploading Worlds
    2. Downloading Worlds
    3. Creating Worlds
    4. Changing Worlds
    5. Editing World Settings
    6. Adding or Changing a World's Resource Pack
    7. Duplicating a World
    8. Renaming a World
    9. Deleting a World

What is the World Manager?

The World Manager is a feature in the Multicraft control panel that allows you to easily change the world that your server is loading and upload singleplayer worlds to your server. There are a large number of features that the World Manager allows you to do that can be read about in the World Manager Features section. Every world stores it's own settings and will apply them to the server when it is being activated.

World Manager Features

This section contains information about all of the features that the World Manager has and a brief description of what it does.

Uploading Worlds

With the World Manager you are able to easily upload worlds to your server to play, it is as easy and dragging and dropping the world!
How to Upload a World with the World Manager

Downloading Worlds

You can download any world that is on your server at a moment's notice by using the World Manager, this will save all progress in the world and provide a download link.
How to Download a World with the World Manager

Creating a World

Creating a world with the World Manager is easy as giving it a name, and selecting what settings you want to use, and it will do the rest for you.
How to Create a World with the World Manager

Changing The World

Swapping between worlds on your server has never been easier before with the World Manager, which will automatically detect and show you all of the worlds that are available to load on your server.
How to Change the World on your Server using the World Manager

Editing a World's Settings

You can change some of the settings for each world through the control panel, these settings are the most commonly changed so that you can easily access them.
How to Edit a World's Settings using the World Manager

Adding or Changing a World's Resource Pack

Each world is able to have a resource pack added to it, that will be loaded by players connecting to the server when the world is active if the resource pack is small enough. Large resource packs must still be downloaded manually by the players.
How to Update or Add a World Resource Pack Using the World Manager

Duplicating a World

If you've ever wanted to test something in your world before but didn't do it because you don't want to break what you already have. The world duplicating allows you to do exactly that, it creates an identical world with all of the same settings and builds within it.
How to Duplicate a World Using the World Manager

Renaming A World

If you ever want to change the name of your world you can use the world manager to change it.
How to Rename a World with the World Manager

Deleting a World

If you are done with a world an no longer want it on your server, you can delete it through the World Manager, in order for the world to actually be deleted you will need to make sure that you are certain about it.
How to Delete a World Using the World Manager

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  • World Manager, Multicraft
  • 226 Users Found This Useful

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