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Enable Biomes O' Plenty

To enable the Biomes O' Plenty mod for your world generation all you need to do is remove the .disabled from the end of the mod file name. This is done by logging into your server folder using FTP, Follow this guide in enabling mods.

Edit to enable Biomes O'Plenty World Generation

To edit the file you can use FTP or use the Multicraft config editor to edit the

  1. Log into the Multicraft control panel
  2. In the Files section of the side menu, click on Config Files to be taken to the place where all configuration settings are located.
  3. Click on Server Configuration which should be the first option in the list
  4. There is an entry for Level Type (or: level-type in the file) which will read default
  5. Change that entry to BIOMESOP
  6. Once you have made your changes click Save
  7. If you already have a world folder in your server, then you will need to either remove it or change its name so that the server generates a new world.
You need to reset your world by creating a new one if you want to enable the Biomes O' Plenty mod, just enabling it and setting the level type will not make the world render .

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