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Scheduling Tasks for Automated Server Management


Sometimes you need to run scheduled tasks on your server to run a backup, restart your server everyday, which is highly recommended if you are running a modded server.



  1. Tasks
  2. Recommended Schedules
    1. Daily Restart
    2. Sending a Server Message
    3. Daily Backups




Below you can find a list of the tasks that you can schedule on your server. These tasks can be scheduled for every minute, hour, or day.

  • Admin Say
  • Create Backup
  • Date
  • Give Item
  • Message of the Day
  • Player List
  • Restart
  • Restart if Empty
  • Save World
  • Say Player List
  • Start
  • Stop
  • Stop if Empty
  • Summon Player
  • Teleport Other
  • Teleport To
  • Time


Daily Server Restart

  1. Log into Multicraft.
  2. Expand the Advanced section in the left menu
  3. Select Scheduled Tasks
    Multicraft Scheduled Tasks menu entry
  4. Click New Task in the left side menu.
    Multicraft New Scheduled Task
  5. Give it a name similar to Daily server restart
  6. Make sure the Scheduled Time is not the same as any other scheduled tasks.
  7. Click the Interval box. The box with the numbers is how long between each running, and the other selector is for the unit of time. So if the two boxes are 1 and Days, the task will run every day at the same time.
  8. From the Command dropdown, select either Restart or Restart if Empty.
  9. Make sure Run For is set to Server
    Multicraft Scheduled Task Creation Menu
  10. Click Create


Sending a Server Message

It is handy to tell everyone on the server about the restart, so it does not seem like it just restarted for no apparent reason.

  1. Log into Multicraft.
  2. Expand the Advanced section in the left menu
  3. Select Scheduled Tasks
    Multicraft Scheduled Tasks menu entry
  4. Click New Task in the left side menu.
    Multicraft New Scheduled Task
  5. Give it a name similar to Server restart alert
  6. Make sure the Interval is set exactly the same as the task for restarting the server.
  7. Set Scheduled Time to be around 5 minutes before the server restart task is going to run.
  8. Choose the option Admin Say from the command dropdown
  9. In the Arguments text entry, type the message you would like it to send. We would recommend a message similar to "The server is going restart in 5 minutes..."
  10. Set the Run For field to be Everyone
  11. Click Create
    Multicraft Scheduled Task Creation Menu


Creating a Daily Backup

  1. Log into Multicraft.
  2. Expand the Advanced section in the left menu
  3. Select Scheduled Tasks
    Multicraft Scheduled Tasks menu entry
  4. Click New Task in the left side menu.
    Multicraft New Scheduled Task
  5. Give it a name similar to Daily backup
  6. Set the interval to 1 and Days
  7. Choose the option Create Backup from the command dropdown
  8. Set the Run For setting to Server
  9. Click Create



Further Reading & External Links


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