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Installing and configuring NppFTP for Notepad++

Notepad++ is free software that allows easy editing of configuration files for your server.
The NppFTP plugin adds functionality for browsing, downloading, editing and uploading text files for your server.
This guide will explain the installation and usage of the plugin to improve your server management experience.


  1. Installing Notepad++
  2. Installing the NppFTP Plugin
  3. Configuring the NppFTP Plugin
  4. How to Use NppFTP
  5. Configuring Notepad Tab settings for YAML files
    1. Checking for Errors in YAML
  6. Further Reading & External Links

Installing Notepad++

Download Notepad++ from the official website and follow the installation process:
Download Notepad++


Notepad++ is an excellent text editor! It adds line numbers, syntax highlighting, and has a wide variety of plugins that will make running a server and editing files a lot easier.

Installing the NppFTP plugin

  1. Download the NppFTP plugin from the Sourceforge site:
    NppFTP Plugin download
  2. Extract the .zip that you have downloaded.
  3. Open Notepad++.
    Note: Some users may need to run the program as an Administrator for the following steps to work correctly.
  4. In the toolbar at the top of Notepad++ select Settings > Import > Import Plugin(s)...
    Notepad++ Import Plugins
  5. Navigate to the download location and find the bin folder inside the extracted download.
  6. Select NppFTP.dll and click Open.
  7. In the Notepad++ toolbar click Plugins and check that NppFTP is in the list.

Plugins List
If you do not see it then close Notepad++ and reopen it with administrator permissions before repeating the process

Configuring the NppFTP plugin

  1. From the menu: Plugins > NppFTP > Show NppFTP Window .
    Open FTP Window
  2. In the NppFTP panel, click the cog icon and choose Profile Settings.
    Profile Settings
  3. Click the Add New button.
    Profiles Screen
  4. Enter a name for the profile and click OK.
  5. In the Profiles list, highlight the name of the profile you entered.
  6. In the Connection tab enter the Host, Username and Password for your FTP connection.
    You can find the details needed by expanding the Files section in the Multicraft left side menu, and clicking on the FTP File Access button.
    Multicraft FTP Access Menu Entry
  7. Click Close

How to Use NppFTP

  1. Click the blue Connect icon and choose the name of the profile you made.
  2. NppFTP will attempt to connect to the FTP server and return a directory listing in the right hand window.
  3. Double click a file to download and open it in the editor.
  4. When you save a file, NppFTP will automatically upload it to the server for you.

Configuring Notepad++ Tab settings for YAML files


Sticky Piston

YAML is a simple data format used by Minecraft plugins from all over the internet.
Once you learn the basics, you'll be able to manage your plugin configurations with ease

By default pressing the Tab key in a YAML file will insert a tab character.
However YAML uses a double space rather than a tab and this can cause issues when your server attempts to read the files.
Follow these steps to make sure that the files can be read correctly by your server.

  1. In the Notepad++ toolbar select Settings > Preferences
    Notepad++ Preferences
  2. In the list on the left highlight Language.
  3. Scroll down the list on the right under the Tab Settings heading and select yaml
  4. Uncheck the Use default value box.
  5. Check the Replace by space box.
  6. Click on the number next to Tab size:
  7. In the box that appears, change the number to 2 and press enter.
    Settings for YAML editing
  8. Click the Close button.

Checking for errors in YAML

Stickypiston offers an error checker for yaml and json files right in Multicraft. To use it follow these steps.

  1. In the main Multicraft server window (Where the IP, Players and Memory Usage are displayed) click on Files in the left hand menu.
  2. Click on Config Files.
    Config Files Access
  3. Use Name, File or Description boxes to search for your config file and click on it to open.
  4. Beneath the text editor that opens there is a Save button.
  5. Errors will display below this button with a short description of what is not working and the line number in the file that causes the problem.

Further Reading & External Links

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If you have questions about this guide or our Minecraft services, open a support ticket and our dedicated team will be in touch.

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