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 'Outdated Server' when trying to connect

What to do if a new version of Minecraft is available and the players on your server have updated...

 "Internal Exception: java.lang.IlegalArgumentException: Parameter 'directory' is not a directory"

When you connect to a server you will be immediately disconnected and get the following error:...

 Create a Profile to connect to older Minecraft versions (Outdated Server!)

When your Minecraft client updates to the latest version or you want to connect to an...

 Failed to connect to the server Outdated Server!

When your Minecraft client updates to the latest version or you want to connect to an...

 Help! My Minecraft World Disappeared

If your Minecraft world is gone or the world has changed without you knowing why, this...

 How To: Install a Previous Minecraft Version

When wanting to play some Minecraft maps, they will require you to run Minecraft 1.13.2...